Demolition of a 1947 single storey classroom wing, water tower and prefabs;construction of a 4450sq.m. extension to the 1970s school building comprising single and two storey wings of staff and teaching accommodation, a general purpose hall, a PE hall, changing rooms, wcs, ancillary plant and storage, a new stage and fly tower to the existing assembly hall, 5 no. hard courts, improvements to existing paths, roadways and drop off facilities, new gates to the existing Templeroan entrance, new entrance signage, 55 no. car parking spaces, bicycle parking, covered walkway, boundary fencing, landscaping and associated site works and replacement of all windows to the 1970s school building at Sancta Maria College which lies within the curtilage of a Protected Structure.The development will include making good external walls to ancillary buildings to Ballyroan House where the 1947 building to be demolished adjoins and upgrade of its access road as part of the improved access to the school.
To find out more details on this School Development in Dublin Started on 2015-08-31 take the free trial here.