(i) Extension to the north east side of the Vistamed Ltd. building to provide c. 3,800sq.m. industrial floor space and ancillary office space with a maximum building height of c. 8.3m (ii) Extension to existing ground floor canteen to provide an additional c. 195sq.m. of canteen space (iii) Car parking area measuring c. 3850sq.m. to provide parking for c.150 cars (iv) temporary 5m wide access road to allow for construction traffic and retention permission for existing generator building measuring c. 60 sq.m. with a height of 3m. The development will include a 6m wide car park access road and 6m wide service road, both of which will connect to the proposed IDA access road which is being applied for under a seperate application. The development will also include connections to existing services and all other associated site development and ancillary works to serve the development.
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Leitrim Started on 7th March 2016 take the free trial here.