30 May 2022
Construction of Sprinkler Pump Room which is ancillary to the main distribution warehouse building (submission No. 8476632)
30 Mar 2022 Construction commenced of a Recovery Recycling Unit (RRU) Building and a new retail warehouse & ancillary office space
For a Distribution Warehouse, Ancillary Office Accommodation and Ancillary Buildings with a cumulative gross floor area (GFA) of c.64,550sqm at a 15.42ha site to the south of the Newbridge South Orbital Relief Road (NSORR) in the townland of Greatconnell, Newbridge, Co. Kildare. The development will consist of:
(i) Construction of a Distribution Warehouse Building (approx. 62,925sqm gross floor area (GFA) with principal dimensions of 147m width and 306m length, maximum height of 23.5m with 2 No. projections of 26m to accommodate stairwells, one on the northern elevation and one on the south-eastern elevation, inclusive of: a) Main Entrance Office over 2 No. storeys to the north of the building with a maximum height of 12.1m (495.98sqm) comprising at ground floor: reception area, circulation space and welfare facilities, and at first floor: break room, training room and welfare facilities; b) Mezzanine Office accommodation, meeting rooms and welfare facilities (combined 1,316.49sqm) extending above the 18 No. outbound docks to the north elevation; c) Transport Office with associated welfare facilities over 2 No. storeys to the east of the warehouse building with a maximum height of 12.4m (total 656.54sqm); and d) Textile Storage Area comprising 3 No. mezzanine floors adjacent to the mezzanine office (combined 14,343sqm);
(ii) Security Gatehouse at the HGV site entrance (north-east boundary) with a GFA of 27sqm, overall dimensions of 7.8m width and 3.5m length and maximum height of 5m;
(iii) Pallet Storage Building with a GFA of 600sqm to the east of the distribution warehouse building, overall dimensions of 15m width and 44m length and maximum height of 6.6m;
(iv) Recovery Recycling Unit (RRU) Building with a GFA of 998sqm to the east of the distribution warehouse building, overall dimensions of 41m width and 24m length and maximum height of 11m;
(v) Smoking Shelter with a GFA of 39.3sqm to the north-east of the distribution warehouse building, with overall dimensions of 4.5m width and 8.8m length and maximum height of 2.4m;
(vi) 3 No. sprinkler tanks to the south of the distribution warehouse building, including 2 No. sprinkler tanks with a diameter of 11.6m and height of 7.2m and 1 No. sprinkler tank with a diameter of 7.75m and height of 6m;
(vii) 1 No. sprinkler pump house to the south of the distribution warehouse building with a total GFA of 159sqm with a dimension of 17.4m in width, 9.6m in length and 3.85m in height;
(viii) 1 No. electricity.
To find out more details on this Warehouse Development in Kildare Started on 30th March 2022 take the free trial here.