The development will consist of: 35 no. residential units (19 no. 1 bed, 16 no. 2 bed) in 2 no. apartment buildings ranging in height from 3-6 storeys (east block fronting Richmond Avenue 6 no. storeys, west block to the rear of site 3 no. storeys). The east block provides 27 no. apartment units (15 no.1 bed, 12 no. 2 bed) and the west block provides 8 no. apartment units (4 no. 1 bed, 4 no. 2 bed duplex). Access to the development will be from Richmond Avenue. This entrance will provide access and egress for pedestrians only to the development. The development also proposes 224 sq.m of communal open space, balconies/terraces associated with individual apartment units, associated secure bicycle and bin storage, hard and soft landscaping and all other associated site works and services above and below ground on an overall site area of 1102.6 sq.m. The development proposes the demolition of 1109.8 m2 of floor space comprising a 2 storey warehouse and shed buildings.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 24th November 2021 take the free trial here.

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Apartments New Build in Dublin

15 Richmond Avenue

Plans Granted

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