Development consisting of
(a) Erection of 26 no. chalets;
(b) Restoration and change of use of existing Coach House and stores to a reception area with stairs to the first floor, offices, toilets, future interpretive room, and storage area at ground floor and storage space at first floor;
(c). Construction of recreational footpaths;
(d) Foul sewer pump station with new rising main connection to existing public foul sewer 430m approximately from the proposed site;
(e) Construction of 1 no. car park at existing site entrance providing 16 no. car parking spaces;
(f) Construction of 2 no. car parks within the overall development providing 25 no. car park spaces;
(g) Roadside Entrance Signage;
(h) All associated site works. The development for which permission for Retention and Completion is sought consists of the erection of pillars, wing walls, and entrance gates, including their alteration and the alteration/upgrading of the existing access road. The development is located within the curtilage and attendant grounds of Drumhierny Lodge which is a Protected Structure in the Leitrim County Development Plan.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Leitrim Granted permission on 2021-05-31 take the free trial here.

Drumhierny and Macken

Plans Granted

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