Permission for an office building of between 1-5-12-14-16 storeys over ground floor, including plant (parapet height +77.525); external terraces at Levels 2, 6, 13, and 15; meeting space at Level 15, which is also to be used for external events; and two levels of basement which accommodates car parking, cycle spaces, and motorbike spaces. The proposed office buildings are designed for single and/or multiple office users and provides for general offices and /or business and technology uses and/or office based industry uses. The proposed development includes a ground floor café/deli with outdoor seating area, and the refurbishment and reuse of 2no. Protected Structures, the two-storey former Cork, Blackrock and Passage Railway Offices, Ref. No. PS 1137, and the adjoining single-storey former Blackrock and Passage Railway Terminus – Ticket Office, Ref. No. PS 1138, which is also a Recorded Monument, CO074-119002, which are to be retained and initially reused as a temporary construction compound for the proposed development, and then refurbished as part of the proposed development for office use and public bar/restaurant use with outdoor seating area respectively. The total above ground gross floor area proposed is 23,054m2 (including existing buildings). The proposed development also includes the demolition of the existing two-storey Carey Tool Hire building and all ancillary structures, and the retention of the Albert Road Post Box (Protected Structure Ref. No. PS942). The proposed development also includes pedestrian accesses from Albert Quay East and Albert Street, the omission of the existing vehicular access from Alfred Street, and the repositioning of the existing vehicular access from Albert Quay East. The proposed development includes all site development; drainage; plant, including substations; and public realm and landscaping works, including a sculpture. The planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS).
To find out more details on this Office Development in Cork Applied for on 2021-05-28 take the free trial here.