The replacement of 18 no. house type JJ, ( a three storey four bedroom semi-detached house of approx.203m2 ) originally granted permission under 16/635 with 16 no. revised house type JJ (a three storey four bedroom semi-detached house of approx. 172m2.
The replacement of 8 no. house type HH (a three storey four bedroom semi-detached house of approx.203m2 ) originally granted permission under 16/635 with 14 no. units as follows; 2 no. house type MM (a two storey three bedroom semi detached house of approx 108m2), 3 no. one bedroom apartment type N1 of approx. 56m2, 3 no. one bedroom apartment type N2 of approx, 51m2, 3 no. two bedroom apartment type P1 of 80m2 and 3 no. two bed apartment type P2 of approx. 75m2.
The replacement of 3 no. house type G4s, ( a three storey split level four bedroom detached house of approx. 204m2) originally granted permission under 16/635 with 3 no. house type GGs ( a two storey four bedroom detached house of approx. 163m2) The removal of 1 no. house type G1 ( a three storey split level four bedroom detached house of 204m2) All associated site works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Granted permission on 2019-06-19 take the free trial here.