Planning permission for the development of an extension to the rear of a c.0.16 ha site. The development will consist of a 3-6 storey hotel extension (c. 2,208 m2 gross floor area) above an existing ground floor level to create a 4-7 storey structure to the rear of the previously permitted hotel (DCC Reg. Ref. 4073/15). The proposed extension will increase the number of permitted hotel bedrooms from 101 to 156.

The development will include: internal alterations to the existing hotel floorspace at the 1st to 3rd floor levels resulting in the loss of 5 no. bedrooms; a north facing viewing terrace at fifth floor level over the existing hotel; revised lift and circulation arrangements at the existing basement and ground floor levels; new internal lightwells between the existing hotel and proposed extension;

A screened plant at roof level of the proposed hotel extension; amendments to the facades of the existing ground floor structure fronting onto Parliament Row; green roofs; changes in level; piped services; attenuation tanks; and all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Granted permission on 7th February 2019 take the free trial here.

The Temple Bar Inn

Plans Granted

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