The proposal, which accords with the Development Plan policy and zoning objectives for the site, includes the construction of sheltered housing for the elderly, consisting of 31 no. dwellings, 1 no. communal facility and all associated site development work, including 13 no. 1-bedroom, 2-person,single-storey houses (varying types, with gross floor areas ranging from 50.0 m2 to 56.3 m2), 18 no.2-bedroom, 4-person, single-storey houses (varying types, with gross floor areas ranging from 75.4m2 to 77.3 m2) and a single-storey Communal Facility (gross floor area 99.0 m2). All dwellings will be provided with access to a secure private shared garden area including a shared bin store and bicycle parking areas. Car parking will be provided as required by Development Plan Standards including 1no. spaces per house, 8 no. visitor spaces in total, and 2 no. spaces at the Communal Facility, providing for a total of 41 no. car parking spaces across the development. 29 no. car parking spaces will be provided off-street at the entrances of dwelling units and Communal Facility and 12 no. car parking spaces will be provided on-street arranged along with the new Public Open Space.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 16th June 2021 take the free trial here.

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