The proposed development comprises external and internal alterations of the existing building to include

(a) Demolition of existing detached security hut and associated vehicular access/control infrastructure to the site and closure of existing vehicular access off Pembroke Road

(b) Reconfiguration of basement level to provide plant, attenuation tank, refuse storage and 19 car parking spaces;

(c) Removal of all surface level car parking spaces (45 No. spaces) at ground level and provision of a new part 2- part 4- and part 5 storey extension to the northern, southern and western sides of the existing building (including the provision of an infill extension to under-croft areas at ground floor level) and reconfiguration of existing floor plates to provide an additional 2,303 sq.m of office floor space at ground to 6th floor levels

(d) Provision of plant (23 sq.m) at rooftop level of proposed extension and south-facing terrace (4th floor level)

(e) Provision of south and east facing rooftop terrace (145 sq.m) at rooftop level of proposed extension (5th floor level)

(f) Provision of 3 No. bay windows at 7th floor level to provide an additional 63 sq.m of office floor space at 7th floor level, leading on to 3 terraces to the northern southern and western sides of the building;

(g) Conversion and change of use of part of ground floor (134 sq.m) to café unit;

(h) External alterations include a comprehensive refurbishment of the building through revised elevational design and treatment of all elevations together with the comprehensive hard and soft landscaping of the entire site (including the retention of some mature trees);

(i) Provision of 61 no. covered bicycle parking spaces to the north west of the existing building at ground floor level;

(j) Removal of existing rooftop plant and provision of new rooftop plant with h screening to match existing level of the plant at a level of + 33.5 m together with all associated site works. In the interest of clarity, the proposal provides an additional 2,366 sq.m of office floor space (GFA ) and 134 sq.m of Café floor space (GFA) at ground floor level.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-05-28 take the free trial here.

Carrisbrook House

Plans Granted

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