Permission for development at 12-32 Old Cabra Road and 8-16 Annamoe Road, Dublin 7 (Lands comprising PH Ross Builders Merchants and Home Improvement Centre and site to rear of 1-7 Annamore Road, Known as 1A Annamoe Road) (0.837 ha). The development will consist of a mixed use development comprising the following elements: (1) A supermarket incorporating ancillary bakery and off-licence area of 1251 sqm (net retail sales area) and associated accommodation within a building of 2555 sqm gross floor area. The supermarket is located over a surface level undercroft car park containing 81 no. car parking spaces and connection from the car park to the retail above is contained within a circulation area (via travelators, lift and stair cores). The proposed building is a three storey equivalent structure with a maximum height of 9.8 metres. The supermarket includes an external delivery/service area and dock leveller; (2) A cafe (95 sqm) fronting onto the Old Cabra Road; (3) Retail (bathroom/tile).
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Dublin Started on 2016-08-09 take the free trial here.