Garlandbrook Ltd. seeks permission for a residential development consisting of 95 no. dwellings, on a site area of 1.475ha, being part of Zone 6 “Canal” of the Hansfield Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme 2006. The proposed development is located on a site north of the Royal Canal and the Dublin to Dunboyne rail line, south of Ongar Road and of a permitted development, known as Hansfield Wood under Reg. Ref. FW16A/0123, and south-west of St. Joseph’s Hospital, in the townland of Barberstown, Hansfield, Dublin 15. The proposed development is comprised of 3 no. 2 bedroom duplex units, 10 no. 1 bed apartments, 64 no. 2 bed apartments and 18 no. 3 bed apartments all accommodated in a 2, 4 & 6 storey building with a part seventh floor setback, over a basement car park. Access to the development will be via roads permitted under Reg. Ref.s FW16A/0123 & FW17A/0078 to the north/north-west. The proposed development also includes for all associated site development works, car parking (surface and basement), landscaping, open spaces, public lighting, foul and surface water drainage / attenuation and water supply and connections to existing paths adjacent to the Royal Canal. The proposed development is located on lands within the boundaries of Hansfield Strategic Development Zone as defined by Statutory Instrument No. 273 of 2001.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2018-06-14 take the free trial here.