Construction of a Maritime Research and Testing Centre k. The proposed development includes the construction of a new vehicular access road and footpath to the site from the public road near the bridge to Rocky Island and Haulbowline Island, and the demolition of the existing disused warehouse circa 3,883 sq.m. area. The new building will comprise a single storey, high volume marine testing facility with overall height varying from 8m to 10m approx., and a research facility three storeys high, overall height c.19.37m total floor area 5,132 sq.m.Ancillary to the building are internal access roads, parking to be provided in two phases up to a total of 89 car parking and 10 bicycle parking spaces in a covered bay, a separate ESB sub station and switchroom, storage bins for materials, a pumping station, windbreak to terrace, boundary fence treatment including two gates to NMCI, one gate to access road, also panel sign at proposed new access point on Haulbowline Road, exterior lighting and hard and soft landscaping.
To find out more details on this University Development in Cork Started on 2014-01-03 take the free trial here.