Permission is sought for residential development consisting of: the removal of existing car wash sheds, workshop and existing associated structures; the closure of 2 no. Existing vehicular entrances from braemor road; the construction of 1 no. 3 to 6 storey apartment building over basement level consisting of 32 no. Apartment units, (4 no. 1-bedroom units, 24 no. 2-bedroom units and 4 no. 3-bedroom units) with associated balconies/roof terraces; the provision of a new vehicular and pedestrian access onto landscape road, basement level car parking for 36 no. Car parking spaces, 92 no. Bicycle parking spaces, plant room and refuse storage area at basement level; new pedestrian access onto landscape road and `badger`s glen`; all associated site development; engineering works, landscaping and boundary treatments. The subject site is bounded by braemor road to the north, landscape road to the east, and open space known as `badger`s glen` to the south and west.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 2019-06-24 take the free trial here.