Development comprising the extension of the existing post primary education facilities at and on the grounds of St. Colmans Community College, Youghal Road, Midleton. Co. Cork. The extension, of total gross floor area 5,640 sq.m, will consist of the construction of; a new two storey stand alone educational building comprising 35 no. additional classrooms and ancillary spaces, a new two storey stand alone Sports Hall building ancillary changing facilities, and a single storey stand alone engineering room with associated stores. Consequently, the development will also comprise ancillary site modification works including; the relocation of hard surface playing areas and car parking spaces; revised bus and set down facilities; access route works; provision of general recreational areas, landscaping, site lighting, site boundary treatment works and all ancillary site development works along with a new offsite surface water connection via a road crossing at Youghal Road, through the green o pen space of the Beechwood Estate and through the grounds of the Midleton Town Council offices to a new outfall at the Dungourney River
To find out more details on this School Development in Cork Granted permission on 26th February 2014 take the free trial here.