Permission for development at the Clare Road (R458 ) and Toberteascain Road, Ennis, Co. Clare which will comprise of: Demolition of existing structures on site including three residential units, office block and ancillary buildings. The construction of a neighbourhood centre as part of a first phase of development of lands at the Clare Road to include; A licensed, discount foodstore incorporating an off-license area: Two number associated retail units and two office units within a three storey building; childcare unit / retail unit; Public playground; and public realm; New vehicular access to Toberteascain Road; Car parking and cycle parking; All boundary treatment; Ancillary mechanical plant: Trolley bay structure; Ancillary signage including 2 No. double sided illuminated totem signs and other signage associated with the development; ESB substation building; and all necessary site development works.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Clare Granted permission on 2018-10-17 take the free trial here.

Clare Road

Plans Granted

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