The development will consist of the construction of phase 2 extensions to the existing school to increase capacity from 450 to 1,000 pupils. The proposed extensions include: a 2 storey east block comprising of pe hall, gym, changing facilities, 4 specialist classrooms, 3 general classrooms, and office with sanitary and ancillary accommodation. A 2 storey west block comprising of 17 general classrooms, 4 specialist classrooms, library, offices, staff room, pedestrian link with sanitary and ancillary accommodation. Existing internal renovations to coincide with the new extension to provide 1 general classroom, 1 specialist classroom and pedestrian link cirulation. Total floor area of phase 2 extension c. 5045m2 proposed site works to include the construction of new 115m x 80m grass pitch the removal of 3 no. Existing ball courts to be replaced with hard play area, 6 no. Basketball courts, 1 bicycle stand, 37 no. Car park spaces together with boundary treatment, ancillary infrastructure works and landscaping.
To find out more details on this School Development in Meath Granted permission on 30th May 2017 take the free trial here.