Amendments to the previously approved application SD17A/0354: increase of total main building floor area over both floors of 163sq.M, minor amendments to building elevation including changes to external doors and windows to both electrical building and main building, the relocation of the approved electrical building and reduction in area, the relocation of the approved nitrogen tank and the inclusion of a CO2 tank compound of approximately 28sq.M,
The removal of approved pump house from site plan, removal of a piperack connection to existing piperack, relocation of bicycle shelter, relocation and reduction of car parking spaces from 81 to 47 (of these 2 are accessible and 4 are e-car spaces).
An EIAR (Environmental Impact Assessment Report) will be submitted with this application, all on an 8.2-hectare site at the grange castle business park. This application relates to development which comprises of an activity which requires an industrial emissions licence in accordance with the first scheme.
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Dublin Started on 16th July 2018 take the free trial here.