For the demolition of existing two-storey dwelling and the projecting porch at the existing nursing home entrance, construction of a new vehicular entrance from Moyglare Road, construction of a first floor extension over the front (western) wing and over the central linking wing of the existing nursing home and a two-storey extension incorporating kitchen extension at ground floor and 3 No. bedrooms at first floor at the rear of the southern end, construction of a 2-storey extension with central courtyard to the north of the existing nursing home incorporating a new entrance, additional bedspaces, dayspaces, dining rooms, laundry and other ancillary facilities for a residential nursing home. 58 additional bedspaces will be provided bringing the total number of bedspaces to 102. In addition, a single-storey comprising 3 No. 1-bedroom apartments for staff accommodation is also proposed at the rear.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Kildare Applied for on 7th August 2020 take the free trial here.

Moyglare Nursing Home

Plans Applied

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