Amendment of previously approved development, planning Ref. No., which shall consist of the following:
(1) The medical building shall be reduced in floor area from 5684 sq. m. on four floors as originally approved to 3282.7 sq. m. on three floors facing onto Hospital Street. The development shall accommodate Kildare Medical GP practice, HSE Primary Care Health Centre and a Pharmacy retail shop unit. The amended gross floor area for Kildare Medical GP practice is 527.3 sq. m. on the ground floor. The amended gross floor area for the Pharmacy retail shop unit is 165.2 sq. m. on the ground floor and the amended gross floor area for the HSE Primary Care Health Centre is 2590.2 sq. m. on ground floor, first floor and second floor.
(2) Revision to overall site layout plan which included an ESB Sub-Station, car parking, refuse storage area and plantroom.
(3) Removal of a portion of the front boundary wall, which shall be reconstructed in a revised location to achieve sight visibility

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