EXT.OF DURATION:PROTECTED STRUCTURES: Planning permission at a site of c.0.26 hectares. The site is bounded by No. 34 Lower Rathmines Road (a protected structure) to the north; No. 48 Lower Rathmines Road and Mary Immaculate Refuge of Sinners Church to the south (a protected structure); Lower Rathmines Road to the west; and Fortesque Lane and 3 no. dwellings (Bessborough Court) accessed via Bessborough Parade to the east. The development will consist of the demolition of No. 46 Lower Rathmines Road (c. 596.1sq.m gross floor area (GFA)) and a derelict mews building (c.66.2sq.m GFA) to the rear of no. 36 Lower Rathmines Road; and the construction of a mixed use scheme within 2 no. new buildings over double level basement as follows: Building A (c.2,516 sq.m GFA), located to the east of the site, is a 3-storey (over double basement) building comprising a restaurant (of c.370.1sq.m GFA) and medical centre (of c.185.1sq.m GFA) at upper basement level; 5 no. Class 2 units (ranging from c.52.1sq.m to c.143.8 sq.m GFA) at lower ground and ground floor level comprising a wedding services centre providing wedding planning services, formal wear studio, stationary design studio, photography studio, and wedding dress design studio; office unit of c.135.1sq.m GFA and management/ caretaker unit of c.55.5 sq.m at lower ground floor; 4 no. 2 bed live work units (ranging from c.133.2 sq.m to c.169.8 sq.m GFA) at ground and 1st floor level; and 1 no. media studio (of c.56.4 sq.m GFA) at ground floor. The live work units are provided with south-west facing balconies/terraces at 1st floor level. The total parapet height of Building A is c.28.67 metres OD. Building B (c.401.1sq.m GFA), located to the west of the site, will comprise a 3-storey office building fronting Lower Rathmines Road, over ramped vehicular access to lower basement level. The total parapet height of Building B is c.31.9 metres OD. A sunken landscaped courtyard is provided at upper basement level with landscaped terraces/courtyard at lower ground floor level and terrace at ground floor level (adjoining media studio). It is also proposed to reinstate the original boundary walls and gardens (including provision of double gates, and the repair and refurbishment of existing entrance steps, railings and balustrades) to the front of nos. 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 Lower Rathmines Road and the provision of 1 no. car parking space per unit garden. It is also proposed to provide new rear gardens (between c.11-13 metres in depth) to nos. 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 Lower Rathmines Road. Vehicular access to the site will be a new vehicular access off Lower Rathmines Road to the lower basement car park, via a proposed car ramp. The scheme provides for 28 no. car parking spaces, 18 no. bicycle parking spaces, residential and restaurant storage areas and plantroom at lower basement level. All associated landscaping, boundary treatment, site development and service works. Pedestrian access to the site is provided via the existing archway from Lower Rathmines Road and a secondary access onto Fortesque Lane. The total gross floor area of the proposed development is c.2,917.1 sq.m, over a lower basement level car park of c.975 sq.m.
To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2016-08-02 take the free trial here.