Demolition of all existing structures to provide for 3no. buildings including building A – (2362.6sqm) which is two-storeys in height and consists of 8no. light industrial/enterprise units, Building B – (1461.3sqm)is a two-storey building consisting of 11no. light industrial/enterprise units, and building C- (3896.1sqm) is a three-storey enterprise/office based industry building and includes 80no. basement parking spaces, 486.7sqm of warehouse space, & 3no. offices. The proposed development provides for the development of a landscaped amenity walk & 12sqm bird hide adjacent to the exisitng marsh. Access to the proposed development will be via an upgraded entrance from the adjacent public road. Development includes the construction of an ESB substation & ancillary site works, extension of duration to permission granted under Planning Ref. No. 08/9368

To find out more details on this Light Industrial Development in Cork Granted permission on 2014-03-03 take the free trial here.

Former Shirt Factory

Plans Granted

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