Omit/remove 90 no. residentail units (217 to 306). (Planning Reg Ref 06/1169 and Planning Reg Ref: 03/1850 as extended by Planning Reg Ref 09/630 and Planning Reg Ref 11/714) and to erect 56 No. Residential units comprising 44 No. two storey semi-detached 3 bedroom dwellinghouses in 22 blocks (House Type A), 8 No. three-storey semi detached 4 bedroom dwellinghouses in 4 blocks (House Type B) and 4 No. two storey terraced 2 bedroom dwellinghouses in 1 block (House Type C) to include modifications to Site Layout Plan where applicable. Part of the lands included within the boundary of this planning application were included within the boundary of Planning Reg Ref 09/1415. The granting of pemission will involve a variation in Condition No. 1 of Planning Reg Ref 09/1415. This is a change of residential units from those previously granted permission on Planning Reg Ref 06/1169 and Planning Reg Ref 03/1850 as extended by Planning Reg Ref 09/630 and Planning Reg Ref 11/714. The granting of
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Started on 2015-09-17 take the free trial here.