Planning and development (housing) and residential tenancies act 2016 planning and development (strategic housing development) regulations 2017 notice of strategic housing development application to an bord pleanala cairn homes properties ltd. Intend to apply to an bord pleanala (the board) for permission for a strategic housing development with a total application site area of c. 4. 4 ha including the extent of griffith avenue and malahide road required for wastewater network expansion serving the development, of which c. 3. 1 ha relates to the residential development site, on lands located off griffith avenue, marino, dublin 9, principally bounded by the marino institute of education (mie) campus and the christian brothers european province centre to the north; griffith avenue to the south; scoil mhuire marino bns to the east and charlemont estate to the west. The development with a total gross floor area of c. 36,556 sq m (excluding basements) will consist of 385 no. residential units.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2019-08-06 take the free trial here.