Proposed refurbishment and upgrading of supported housing at Stanhope Green, Dublin 7. The proposed works are to the original convent building and the courtyard to the rear and will consist of: the conversion of 6 no. studio apartments into 6 no. one bedroom apartments, the refurbishment of 9 no. studio apartments, and 7 no. one bedroom apartments on the ground floor, the conversion of 24 no. studio apartments into 12 no. one bedroom apartments, and the refurbishment of 11 no. studio apartments on the first floor; the conversion of 24no. studios into 12 no. one bedroom apartments on the second floor, together with the provision of a new lift, new meeting rooms at first & second floors, new entrance door and screen to front of south elevation, elevational improvements to the east facade of the original convent building, plus hard and soft landscaping, and ancillary works relating to enhanced fire safety & disability access. The proposed works will result in the reduction of the total number of dwelling units from 86 no. to 61 no. The existing terrace of 10 no. 2 storey 2 bedroom houses to the front of the site will be refurbished.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 18th March 2014 take the free trial here.