The provision of 1 no. two storey 16 classroom primary school building with general purpose hall, ancillary accommodation with a floor area of 2725sq.m. and associated parking (25 spaces) and 1 no. two storey 16 classroom primary school building with 3 classroom SNU, general purpose hall, ancillary accommodation with a floor area of 3350sq.m. and associated parking (41 spaces). The site works will consist of a new access road serving both schools with the provision of new vehicular and pedestrian entrance to each school, cycle storage, bin store and external storage buildings, ball courts, landscaping, boundary treatment, drop-off and pick-up facilities. And all other site development works for each school (the site is C.3.45 Hectares).
To find out more details on this School Development in Limerick Started on 5th November 2016 take the free trial here.