20 Dec 2021 Works in advance of the construction of a new building at 3 Ardee Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 to include the following: Demolition of all existing buildings on the existing site (all buildings are detached from neighbouring properties), grubbing up of all hard-standings, erection of hoarding, investigating and marking of existing underground services, setting out the building footprint and setting up the site compound, all at 3 Ardee Road, Rathmines, Dublin.

Permission for a Build-to-Rent Shared Living Residential Development at a 0.0796 Ha site.

The development will principally consist of: the demolition of the existing part 1 to part 2 No. storey warehouse/office building (c. 764 sq m) and the construction of part 5 to part 7 No. storey over basement Build-to-Rent Shared Living Residential Development comprising 102 No. bedspaces (92 No. single occupancy rooms, 2 No. accessible rooms, 2 No. double occupancy rooms and 2 No. premium double occupancy rooms) with circulation core a roof level (3,736 sq m).

The development also consists of the provision of a communal living/kitchen/dining room at each floor level from ground floor to sixth floor level to serve the residents of each floor; communal resident amenity spaces for all residents including gymnasium and party/function/cinema room at basement level and a games lounge and reception/lounge at ground floor level; a roof garden at fifth floor level (105.5 sq m) facing north, east and south; vegetable garden/landscaped amenity areas at roof level facing all directions (138.2 sq m); a 4.5 sq m balcony facing south and west off the communal living/kitchen/dining rooms at each level from first to sixth floor levels; resident facilities including laundrette, linen stores, accessible WC and bin storage; delivery bay; bicycle parking; boundary treatments; hard and soft landscaping; photovoltaic panels; plant; lighting; and all other associated site works and service connections above and below ground.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 20th December 2021 take the free trial here.

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Apartments New Build in Dublin

3 Ardee Road


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