PL08/142 – the construction of a 3 phase, four & five-storey above lower ground floor car park residential with ancillary residential related commercial units development in 3 No.blocks comprising of a total of 208 and balconies/private open space terraces on first, second third & fourth floors), hard & soft landscaped first floor semi-public/private open space terraces, 42 No.ancillary residential related commercial units & central enclosed community areas on ground floor, (36 No.two bedroom apartments, 4 No. one bedroom apartments, and 4 No.three bedroom apartments, 14 No. residential related commercial units in Block A (four storey above lower ground floor);108 No. two bedroom apartments, 16 No. one bedroom apartments, and 8 No. three bedroom apartments, 18 No. ancillary residential related commercial units in Block B (five storey above lower ground floor); 24 No.two bed room apartments, 4 No. one bedroom apartments, & 4 No. three bedroom apartments.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Carlow take the free trial here.