Permission is sought for a new mixed-residential development comprising: erection of

(a) 13 no. Houses with private gardens comprising 2 no. two-bedroom detached single storey, 2 no. three-bedroom end-of-terrace two storey and 9 no. three-bedroom terraced two-and-a-half storey;

(b) 23 no. Apartment units with associated private amenity space comprising 9 no. One-bedroom, 10 no. Two-bedroom (including 1 no. Private terrace area), and 4 no. Three-bedroom with private terraces in a three-storey over basement apartment building. The basement level will include 29 no. Car parking spaces, 42 no. Bicycle parking spaces; refuse storage, gym and associated courtyard, plant area and additional apartment storage units. Other works as part of the development to include:

(c) 15 no. Car parking spaces and 24 no. Bicycle parking spaces at surface level;

(d) Upgrade of existing vehicular entrance on Barnhill road with the provision of internal roads, footpaths, shared surfaces and street lighting;

(e) Provision of public open space including courtyard with landscaping works to include tree planting and provision of green areas and treatments to site boundaries;

(f) Surface water and foul drainage; water connections and alteration to site levels;

(g) Demolition of existing two-storey dwelling (273 sq.m), entrance gates, piers and splay walls and ancillary single-storey outbuilding; and

(h) All other site works necessary to facilitate the development on a site of c.0.935 hectares. The proposed development is adjacent to a protected structure

Lands At Dalkey Manor

Plans Applied

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