Amendments to the permitted development under Reg.Ref. 2756/15 for an office development at a 0.353 hectare site. The site has an existing access from Adelaide Road. The proposed development amendments to the permitted development comprise of the following: i) Minor amendments to internal core design/ layout; ii) Minor amendments to internal layout, including a minor increase in floorspace of 81 sq.m at first floor level above the double height reception area; iii) Re-positioning of entrance door on Hatch Street Upper; iv) Provision of fire escape corridor and fire escape door at ground floor level to the rear (south) elevation and omission of permitted fire escape corridor and door at first floor level to rear (south) elevation; v) Amendments to elevational/ facade design to Hatch Street Upper and minor amendments to the material at parapet level on the east elevation; vi) Amendments to permitted fifth (sixth storey) and sixth floor level (seventh storey) comprising extension of 146 sq.m to the north elevation; vii) Omission of permitted lower basement level; viii) Provision of 2 no. additional storeys with a total gross floor area of 3,675 sq.m, to increase the overall height from seven storeys (as permitted) to nine storeys, including a setback at seventh floor level (eighth storey) to the north elevation and provision of a terrace, a further setback at eighth floor level (ninth storey) to the north elevation, and a setback to the eighth floor level (ninth storey) to the east elevation and provision of a terrace; ix) Amendments to permitted basement level comprising provision of 10 no. additional car parking spaces (increase from 35 no. as permitted to 45 no.), relocation of some bicycle parking from basement to ground floor level adjacent to the access ramp, and increase in number of bicycle parking spaces of 41 no. spaces from 142 no. spaces as permitted to 183 no. spaces; x) All associated and ancillary works, including amendments to permitted plant. The proposed amendments will result in an overall increase in gross floorspace of the permitted development of 3,902 sq.m, from 14,084 sq.m as permitted to 17,986 sq.m as proposed.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2016-11-30 take the free trial here.

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