The modification to previous application granted planning permission ref. No. 15/978 for the construction of 40 no. Houses, consisting of 16 no. 4-bedroom/two storey semi-detached houses, 14 no. 3-bedroom/two storey semi-detached houses, 10 no. 4-bedroom/two storey detached houses, 5 no. Serviced sites, 2 no. Vehicular accesses, and all ancillary car-parking, landscaping and site development works. The modification seeks (a) omission of chimneys in house types, 1, 3 & 5, (b) minor elevational changes including change of roof design of entrance porch in house types 1 & 5. Change from a rough-dash plaster to a true colour render. Change of roof gable feature from timber panelling to brick detail. (c) change of boundary type between houses from blockwork to fencing panel and ancillary signage.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Limerick Applied for on 2019-03-13 take the free trial here.