SHD Stage 3: Application lodged with An Bord Pleanala for a strategic housing development at Newtown, Marsh Road (R150) and McGrath’s Lane/Railway Terrace, Drogheda, Co.Louth on a site extending to c.9.68 hectares including lands under the control of Louth County Council and lands associated with the access road permitted under P.A. Ref. 17-387 for which LIHAF funding has been granted. The applicant seeks a ten year planning permission.

The development will consist of 450no. dwellings in terraced/townhouse, terraced/duplex and apartment form and in buildings ranging in height from 3-5 storeys. All houses have the option for the installation of photovoltaic/solar panels on roof slopes. The development will also provide for supporting neighbourhood and employment uses include 8no. ground floor neighbourhood units with an overall floor area of 1,277.8sq.m for uses such as shops, cafes and restaurants, a standalone office building (4-storey)(1,902.87sq.m) and a standalone crèche (3-storey)(919.8sq.m with potential capacity for c.120 children).

The total non-residential floor space proposed amounts to 4,100.4sq.m. The overall quantum of public open space provided to serve the development extends to c13,349sq.m. Open space takes the form of both ‘green’ landscaped and hard surfaced ‘civic space’ form in addition to c2,556sq.m of communal space.

Car parking is provided by way of 296no. on street car parking spaces and 282no. spaces at underground/undercroft level, in addition to 162 on curtilage parking spaces for the housing. 853no. bicycle spaces are proposed across the site at surface and underground/undercroft level. Vehicular access is provided from an access roadway onto the Marsh Road permitted under P.A. Ref. 17-387 for which LIHAF funding has been granted

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth Applied for on 2019-08-09 take the free trial here.

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