The development will consist of: A total of 56 No. residential units in the following composition.
– 44 No. houses (11 No. 2 bed, 20 No. 3 bed and 13 No. 4 bed) with heights of two storey (40 No.) and bungalows (4 No.) in a mixture of 1 No. detached, 16 No. semi-detached and 27 No. terraced.
– 12 No. duplex apartments are proposed in 1 No. three storey block (6 No. 3 bed and 6 No. 2 bed).
The application also proposes the following:
– New vehicular access from Bellevue Hill- Provision of pedestrian and cycle connections.
– The development includes site clearance, private, communal and public open space, landscaping including enhancement of stream, removal of walls, new boundary treatments, 107 parking spaces, ESB kiosk, lighting, play areas, cycle spaces, site drainage works and all ancillary site development works above and below ground.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wicklow Granted permission on 7th December 2021 take the free trial here.