(a) Alterations to Block A comprising:
(i) demolition of internal/external walls at ground floor level and revision of floor plan to allow for the provision of management offices, study rooms, plant/store rooms, W.C.s, I.T. room, seminar room, cinema, gym and café with associated kitchen space;
(ii) extension of third floor level to allow for provision of 3 no. four-bedroom student accommodation apartments;
(iii) provision of new fourth floor level to accommodate 6 no. four-bedroom student accommodation apartments;
(iv) provision of new fifth floor level to accommodate 3 no. four-bedroom student accommodation apartments; and
(v) provision of 2 no. Part-M compliant stairwells from ground to fifth floor level and extension of existing stairwell from third to fifth floor level;
(b) alterations to Block B comprising:
(i) partial demolition of easterly wing at ground floor level (39.5sq.m), first floor level (39.5sq.m), second floor level (39.5sq.m) and third floor level (20sq.m);
(ii) revisions to internal walls at ground, first, second and third floor level;
(iii) extension of third floor level to allow for provision of 1 no. three-bedroom student accommodation apartment and 1 no. four-bedroom student accommodation apartment;
(iv) provision of new fourth floor level to accommodate 2 no. three-bedroom student accommodation apartments and 2 no. four-bedroom student accommodation apartments;
(v) provision of new fifth floor level to accommodate 1 no. three-bedroom student accommodation apartment and 1 no. four-bedroom student accommodation apartment; and
(vi) provision of 2 no. Part-M compliant stairwells from ground to fifth floor level;
(c) alterations to Block C comprising:
(i) revisions to internal walls at ground, first, second and third floor level;
(ii) extension of third floor level to allow for provision of 2 no. four-bedroom student accommodation apartments;
(iii) provision of new fourth floor level to accommodate 4 no. four-bedroom student accommodation apartments;
(iv) provision of new fifth floor level to accommodate 2 no. four-bedroom student accommodation apartment;
(v) basement level revisions; and,
(vi) provision of 2 no. Part-M compliant stairwells from ground to fifth floor level;
(d) revision of existing basement level carpark (accommodating 91 no. car parking spaces) to provide a reduced quantum of car parking spaces (26 no.) and 710 no. bicycle parking spaces; and
(e) all ancillary works, inclusive of landscaping and SuDS, necessary to facilitate the proposed development.
The proposal will result in an increase in the height of Blocks A, B and C from 4 no. to 6 no. storey height, an associated increased in the quantum of student accommodation apartments provided within Blocks A, B and C from 49 no. to 71 no. and an associated increase in the number of student bedroom spaces from 192 no. to 273 no. The subject proposal represents Phase 1 of a wider development proposal on site.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 22nd December 2021 take the free trial here.