For a mixed use development to be constructed over 2 no. blocks (A & B) and totalling 6,258sqm gross floor space on a site of 0.9 hectares. The proposed development comprises Blocks A & B fronting East Wall Road and Church Road and arranged around surafce car parking to the rear (118 spaces) with a proposed new vehicular access off Church Road; Block A is upto 4 storeys in height with a ground floor area of 1,980 sqm incorporating a Licensed Discount Foodstore (with a net retail sales area of 1,280sqm) first floor gym/leisure facility of 1,887sqm and second and third floor office space of 974 & 241 sqm respectively ; Block B is 2 storey in height and comprises a drive-thru restaurant over two floors of 655sq.m a ground floor retail unit of 151 sqm. first floor office of 149 sqm and associated access, servicing, plant circulation and waste storage areas totalling 221 sq.m. The development will also comprise the demolition of remaining boundary structures and external walls of former print works in connection with a previous permission for demolition and redevelopment (under Dublin City Council Planning Ref: 6608/06), closure of 2no. former vehicular access points off Church Road, the provision of 32no. cycle parking spaces, the erection of associated advertisement signage, the provision of new pedestrian access and circulation areas, boundary treatments, hard and soft landscaping, lighting, connections to drainage and water services and all other ancillary and associated works.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Dublin Started on 2015-08-04 take the free trial here.

Former Cahill Printworks


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