Demolition of an existing single storey, temporary building and the construction of a part single storey, part two-storey special school for pupils with special educational needs, comprising 28 classrooms, administration offices, clinical offices, ancillary spaces, courtyards, ground and roof level play areas, together with new vehicular and pedestrian accesses, surface car parking, bus set-down area and associated site development works.
A new two storey school building of 7,076 sqm, with an enclosed external play area occupying part of the first floor. The new building is designed to occupy a 2.07 ha brownfield site. A new two storey school building of 7,076 sqm, with an enclosed external play area occupying part of the first floor. The new building is designed to occupy a 2.07 ha brownfield site. The demolition of an existing small single storey, temporary building and the construction of a part single storey, part two-storey special school for pupils with special educational needs, comprising 28 classrooms, administration offices, clinical offices, ancillary spaces, courtyards, ground and roof level play areas, together with new vehicular and pedestrian accesses, surface car parking, bus set- down area and associated site development works.
To find out more details on this School Development in Dublin Started on 2nd May 2017 take the free trial here.