19 Nov 2024 An Bord Pleanala Grant Permissions with Conditions
The proposed development will consist of the following:
• Construction of 13 No. wind turbines with an overall ground to blade tip height of between 177 m and 185 m inclusive. The wind turbines will have a rotor diameter of between 149 m and 155 m inclusive and a hub height of between 102.5 m and 110.5 m inclusive.
• Construction of permanent crane hardstand areas, turbine foundations and temporary laydown/storage areas.
• Construction of new permanent internal wind farm site access roads and the upgrade of existing internal bog tracks to include passing bays and all associated drainage infrastructure.
• Development of a site drainage network for the wind farm site including sediment control systems.
• All associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the wind turbines to the wind farm substation.
• Construction of a permanent on-site 110 kV wind farm electrical substation including two no. control buildings with welfare facilities, all associated electrical plant and equipment, security fencing and gates, all associated underground cabling, wastewater holding tank, and all ancillary structures and works.
• All works associated with the permanent connection of the wind farm to the national electricity grid, which will be via a loop-in 110 kV underground cable, in permanent cable ducts from the proposed permanent wind farm substation in the townland of Carrowleagh, and through the townlands of Carha, Carrownaglogh, Rathreedaun, Drumsheen and Bunnyconnellan West County Mayo into the existing 110 kV overhead line in the townland of Rathreedaun County Mayo, with two new 16 m high steel lattice loop-in/out masts at the connection point.
• Construction of a wind farm site temporary construction compound with associated temporary site offices, parking areas, welfare facilities and security fencing.
• Construction of a temporary construction materials storage area for use during the construction of the wind farm.
• Forestry felling to facilitate the construction and operation
of the wind farm substation and any onsite forestry replanting.
• Upgrade works on the turbine delivery route to include the following to facilitate the delivery of abnormal loads and turbine component deliveries:
– Improvement of the N59 and L-2604-0 junction in the townland of Ballymoghany County Sligo to include for the temporary widening of it. The associated accommodation works will include the
installation of new drainage pipes, the construction of a 1.2 m high concrete retaining wall and the erection of timber stock proof fencing
and two agricultural gates.
– Localised widening of the L-2604-0 road in the townland of Cloonkeelaun County Sligo. The associated accommodation works will include the construction of a 1.2 m high concrete retaining wall and the erection of concrete post and timber rail stock proof fencing and two agricultural gates.
– Localised widening of the L-2604-0, L-5137-0 and L-5137-9 roads in the townlands of Ballymoghany, Muingwore and Cloonkeelaun County Sligo, and Carrowleagh County Mayo to achieve a surfaced road width of 4.5 m.
– Localised widening of the L-5137-9, L-5136-0 and L-6612 roads in the townlands of Carraun and Knockbrack County Sligo, and Carha and
Carrowleagh County Mayo to establish passing bays.
– Localised road widening at the N17/N5 roundabout in the townland of Ballyglass East County Mayo.
– Localised road widening at the road junction with the N5 in the townland of Ballyglass East County Mayo.
– Alterations to the embankments at the N5 junction with the L-5339 and L-1331 roads in the townland of Cloonmeen West County Mayo.
– Localised road widening at the junction of the L5339 and L-1331 in the townland of Lavy More County Mayo.
• Construction of a new wind farm site entrance off the L5137-9 local road in the townland of Carrowleagh County Mayo with the creation of a splayed entrance to facilitate the delivery of abnormal loads and turbine component deliveries.
• Construction of a hydrogen plant and an access road to it along with upgrades to the L-6612-1 and the construction of a roundabout. The hydrogen plant includes the electrolyser building measuring 130 m by 110 m and 16 m in height, and equipment, underground water storage
tanks, drainage system, constructed wetlands, hydrogen dispensing station, tube trailer parking, water treatment building, fin fan coolers, fire water tanks, compressors, offices and welfare facilities and all ancillary equipment
• Construction of a permanent on-site 110 kV hydrogen plant substation including two control buildings with welfare facilities, all associated electrical plant and equipment, security fencing and gates, all associated underground cabling, wastewater holding tank, and all
ancillary structures and works.
• Abstraction of groundwater from 2 no. boreholes in the townland of Carraun County Sligo and pumping to the proposed hydrogen plant site and all associated ancillary works.
• Construction of a hydrogen plant site temporary construction compound with associated temporary site offices, parking areas, materials storage and security fencing for use during the construction of the hydrogen plant site.
• All works associated with the permanent connection of the wind farm to the hydrogen plant comprising a 110 kV underground cable in permanent cable ducts from the proposed, permanent, wind farm substation, in the townland of Carrowleagh County Mayo and onto the
townlands of Carha County Mayo, Knockbrack County Sligo and terminating in the hydrogen plant substation in the townland of Carraun County Sligo.
• Demolition of one agricultural shed and partial demolition of one agricultural shed in the townland of Carraun County Sligo to facilitate the construction of the upgradedL-6612-1 local road and roundabout.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Mayo Granted permission on 19th November 2024 take the free trial here.