(i) The construction of 22 no. wind turbines and all
associated hard-standing areas with the following
a. A total blade tip height of 180m,
b. Hub height of 99m, and
c. Rotor diameter of 162m;
(ii) 1 no. permanent Meteorological Anemometry Masts with a height of 99 m and associated hardstanding area;
(iii) Upgrade of existing tracks and roads, provision of new permanent site access roads and upgrade of 1 no. existing site entrance including the provision of 1 no. security cabin with automatic traffic barriers;
(iv) Temporary widening of sections of public road in the townland of Ballyglass;
(v) The provision of a new temporary roadway in the townland of Ballyglass to facilitate the delivery of turbine components and other abnormal loads;
(vi) 1 no. wind farm operation and maintenance control building in the townland of Glenora;
(vii) 3 no. borrow pits;
(viii) 13 no. permanent peat placement areas;
(ix) 5 no. temporary construction compounds with temporary site offices and staff facilities;
(x) Permanent recreation and amenity works, including marked trails, seating areas, amenity car park, and associated amenity signage;
(xi) Site drainage;
(xii) Site signage;
(xiii) Ancillary forestry felling to facilitate construction and operation of the proposed development;
(xiv) All works associated with the habitat enhancement and biodiversity management within the proposed wind farm site;
(xv) All associated site development works and ancillary infrastructure.
This application is seeking a 10-year planning permission and 35-year operational life of the Proposed Development from the date of commissioning of the entire Proposed Development.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Mayo Applied for on 14th December 2023 take the free trial here.