22 Apr 2024
Single storey security hut

30 Jun 2023
Single storey workshop and staff changing building https://nbco.localgov.ie/node/259077

18 Apr 2023
Single storey engine Hall and two storey Electrical Annex over cable basement

Update 30/01/2023: Clearance works have now commenced at the Athlone site and the full construction and design tender competitions are also in progress with multiple tenderers participating.

Permission for a period of 10 years for development consisting of revisions and alterations of the permitted development of a gas fired power plant under Planning Register Reference PD/18/256. The revisions and alterations relate to the design of the gas fired power plant and will include a change to the electrical output of the power plant to 102MW with associated balance of plant, equipment and buildings including: an Engine Hall building with a height of 16.9m, (comprising 5 no. gas engines and ancillary infrastructure), an Electrical Annex Building with a height of 18.7m; a Workshop building with a height of 5.1m; an Administrative Building with a height of 6.1m; a Tank Farm building with a height of 5.7m; a Security hut with a height of 3.3m; and Exhaust Stack with a height of 28.0m; a Gas AGI including an Instrument Kiosk with a height of 4.9m and an Analyser Kiosk with a height of 2.9m; 2 no. storage containers, each 2.6m in height, Radiator Coolers with height of 8.5m; Tanks including 2 X Diesel Oil Storage Tanks (volume of 1860m3 combined); SCR Urea Tank (73m3) ; Lube Oil Storage Tank (3m3); Lube Oil Maintenance Tank (26m3); Pilot Oil Tank (26m3); Fire Water Storage Tank (563m3); Waste Oil Effluent Tank (16m3); Underground Surface Water Attenuation Tank (590m3). The revised proposal will involve a revised red line site boundary to provide for drainage and other works within the adjacent roadway. The development optimises the same access permitted under PD/18/256 and includes 12 no. number parking spaces, footpaths, landscaping; fencing and all other associated site development plant and equipment and other works including surface water and foul wastewater drainage, all on site 1.8 hectares in size( A Natura Impact Statement(NIS) is submitted as part of the planning application).

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Roscommon Started on 20th March 2023 take the free trial here.



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