The development will consist of: A 10-year permission for the development of a solar farm on a site of 35.81 hectares consisting of the following: 211,320 sqm of solar photovoltaic panels on ground mounted steel frames; 6 hardstanding locations for electrical skids; new internal access tracks; underground power and communications cables and ducts; a new access from the L6835 public road; access gates; landscaping and biodiversity enhancement measures; boundary fencing and all associated ancillary development, site works and services. The solar farm will be operational for 40 years.
Installation of underground electrical cabling and associated infrastructure within the public road corridor along the L6835 public road for approximately 10 metres to connect into the permitted underground cabling associated with the permitted Milltown Solar Farm (Meath County Council Reg. Ref. 21396 & An Bord Pleanala Case Number: PL17.311460) which is located to the north of the site within the townland of Milltown.

A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared in respect of the proposed development and will be submitted to the planning authority with the application.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Meath Granted permission on 19th April 2024 take the free trial here.

Milltown & Cortown

Plans Granted

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