The proposed development is an offshore wind farm
comprising of both offshore and onshore infrastructure.
The proposed development boundary, within which the
proposed development is located, will include offshore
infrastructure off the coast of Counties Dublin, Meath and
Louth and onshore infrastructure within County Dublin
(Fingal and Dublin City Council administrative areas).
A high-level overview of the proposed development is
provided below.
Offshore Infrastructure (located within and Array area and
export cable corridor (ECC)):
• Offshore wind turbine generators (WTGs) and their
associated foundations;
• Inter-array cables which will connect the WTGs to the
Offshore Substation Platform (OSP);
• An OSP and associated foundations; and
• Offshore export cable(s) which will deliver the
generated power from the OSP to the high-water
mark (HWM) as defined by Ordnance Survey Ireland
mapping (the HWM being the transition point between
the offshore and onshore infrastructure).
Onshore Infrastructure:
• Offshore export cable(s) from the HWM to the landfall
transition joint bays (TJBs);
• Transition joint bays (TJBs) where the offshore and
onshore export cables are joined;
• Onshore export cable(s) from the TJBs to the grid
• A Grid Facility, comprising a compensation substation
and Bremore substation, together within ancillary
• Onshore cable(s) from the grid facility to the Belcamp
Substation; and
• A connection from the onshore cable(s) to the
national electricity transmission network at Belcamp
The landfall will comprise both offshore and onshore
infrastructure, with the HWM being the point of transition
between the two. The export cables come ashore and
transition to onshore cables at the TJBs close to the
shoreline at Bremore Bay beach in Bremore, north of
Balbriggan, Co. Dublin.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Dublin Applied for on 7th June 2024 take the free trial here.