The proposed development will comprise of the following on a site measuring approximately 6.9 hectares:

(1) removal of existing cable joint, bay within tarbert generating station, 220kv switchgear within the existing tarbert substation compound and associated 220kv cabling;

(2) two no. new lengths of 220kv underground cabling measuring approximately 340m each, running between two no. new underground cable joint base in tarbert generating station and the connection point at tarbert substation;

(3) the new 220kv switchgear bay within the existing tarbert substation compound comprising associated electrical equipment, including cable sealing ends, insulators, over head conductors, surge arrestors, lightning masts and lighting poles; and

(4) all ancillary site development works including temporary construction compund and layout areas, site preparation works and ground leveling as required to facilitate the works. tarbert generating station is licensed by the environment protection agency (epa) under the industrial emissions (ie) license (ref: p0607-02). the proposed development includes works located within the ie license boundary of tarbert generating station which is an upper tier establishment to which the chemicals act (control of major accidents hazards involving dangerous substances) regulations 2015 (the comah regulations) apply. this planning is accompanied by a natura impact statement (nis)

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Kerry Started on 19th February 2024 take the free trial here.

Tarbert 220Kv Substation


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