Proposed development. The proposed development includes an amendment to the development permitted under Reg. Ref. 21/1080, The proposed development will consist of the following to facilitate the above. Demolition of the existing structures on the western part of the site that comprises 4 no. industrial commercial buildings, an associated hut / outbuilding, a gas enclosure, and a tank with bund wall. The removal of the remains of a previously demolished building, areas of hard standing, and existing surface treatments. The relocation of the Energy Centre 1 to the western part of the site, which will supersede the previously permitted 110kV GIS substation compound at that location under ABP Ref: VA27.309252. The proposed development will provide for a revised energy centre design, to include the provision of 8 no. gas turbines (with associated flues of 25.15m in height), 4 no. black start emergency generators and associated transformers, 2 no. single storey fuel oil pump rooms with a gross floor area (GFA) of 90.17sq.m, a single storey air compressor building with a GFA of 88.9sq.m, 4 no. fuel tanks, 2 no. MCC control rooms with a GFA of 44.17sq.m, 3 no. fire water tanks, a single storey welfare, storage, and pump room building with a combined GFA of 160.97 sq.m, a two storey MV /LV building with a GFA of 655.54sq.m, 8 no. 11kV/ 33kV step-up transformers in the north of the site, water treatment equipment, and a security hut, all within a fenced compound. The proposed development includes landscaping and planting, boundary treatments, lighting, security fencing, car parking, and all site works including underground foul and storm water drainage network (including on-site wastewater treatment system), and utility cables, along with all associated and ancillary works. An EPA- Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) licence will be applied for to facilitate the operation of the proposed development
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Wicklow Granted permission on 28th March 2024 take the free trial here.