Permission for a photovoltaic (Solar PV) energy generation scheme with a total area of 3.76ha within the townlands of Ballybeg and Turbeagh in Mitchelstown Co. Cork. The development will consist of the installation of 4,182 no. ground mounted Solar PV arrays, a 20kV substation, the installation of 120m of 20kV underground electrical cabling from the proposed substation to an existing pole and overhead line to connect to the national grid, the upgrade of an existing entrance off the local road to serve as a permanent site entrance for the solar farm and all associated site development works including upgrading 80m of existing tracks and installing 435m of new access track 3m wide and all associated site works. The applicant is seeking a 10-year planning permission and an operational period of 40 years.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Cork Applied for on 28th June 2024 take the free trial here.

Ballybeg And Turbeagh

Plans Applied

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