A) An increase to the footprint of the substation compound of 381.6m2
B) An increase to the footprint of the substation building of 51.5m2
C) Amendments to the layout of the offices and welfare facilities within the substation building
D) Addition of 2no containers sized 6m by 2.43m by 2.59m in height for storage of parts and equipment during the operational phase
E) Addition of 2no parking spaces and an extension of the access road
F) Associated relocation of the permitted fence
g) Amendments to the drainage design to accommodate changes to the layout
H) Minor amendments to the red line of the permitted development to accommodate the above and
i) Addition of new joint bay.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Tipperary Granted permission on 5th June 2024 take the free trial here.


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