•The construction of one Enercon E138 Wind Energy Converter on an 81m tower with an electrical rating of 4.5MW and an overall tip height of 149.38m.
•Installation of the hardstanding area for the Wind Energy Converter.
•Installation of underground circuit cables which will run in underground cable trenches (c.1.2m deep), from the proposed Wind Energy Converter to the proposed substation building on the site.
•Construction of the proposed substation building which will be located c. 340m from the proposed wind energy converter and surrounded by stock proof fencing. It will be a single storey building, measuring 53m2 and c. 5m in height.
•Construction of proposed internal site access track, constructed from permeable material and which will run from the site entrance to the Wind Energy Converter hardstanding area.
•All associated ancillary infrastructure and preparatory works such as provision of the site entrance. The power rating associated with the proposed wind turbine is 4.5 megawatts (MW). The proposed Project will have a 30-year lifespan.
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