The development description for the subject planning permission (PI Ref 16/666) states that:

The proposed turbines will form part of a permitted wind farm PI Ref 12/378 as amended by PI Ref 13/9 on the adjacent Foylatalure and Courtstown site

Condition 3 of the granted planning permission (PI Ref 16/666) states

This permission is conditional on all conditions where applicable being complied with and on site development works and all infrastructural services being provided in accordance with the relavant permission (Ref. in Planning Register: P. 12/378) and PL 13/9 on the adjoining site at Foyloture.

Two wind turbines with a hub height up to 80m and a maximum blade tip height up to 121m, underground cabling, borrow pit, together with associated access road and site works. The proposed turbines will form part of a permitted wind farm (PI Ref 12/238 as amended by PI 13/9) on the adjacent Foylatalure and Courtstown site.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Kilkenny Applied for on 22nd March 2024 take the free trial here.


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