
Data Centre infrastructure projects | Building Information Ireland

Industrial Construction Projects

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The image below shows that almost 300 Industrial Construction Projects have been submitted for planning permission since January 1st 2018.  The largest of these schemes is the €53 million Data Storage Facility in Arklow Co. Wicklow (ID 129930)

Industrial Construction Projects

Industrial Construction Projects submitted for planning in 2018

Through our dedicated research team at Building Information Ireland we research and publish details on all Industrial Construction Projects submitted for planning in all 32 counties.

€850 Million Apple Data Centre Construction Project

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Recently approved by An Bord Pleanala

Co. Galway

Data Centre Construction Project

Build Value Estimate: €45 Million
Floor Area: 30,138 Sq M
Site Area: 197 Ha

Description: To construct the following: a 24,505sqm single storey data centre construction project, a 5232sqm single storey Logistics and Administration Building, a 289sqm single storey Maintenance Building, a 16sqm Security Hut and associated barriers, 2 number 48sqm Firbre Huts (max building eaves height = 10m), 18 external standby generators, all associated external plant, a 20kV Electricity Substation, contractor facilities, a main entrance including a new right turning land, internal access roads and associated infrastructure, proprietary waste water treatment plants including percolation areas, mains water connection, fire water storage tanks; rainwater harvesting, provision of fibre optic data connections, car parking (207 spaces, including 7 visitor spaces, 50 internal staff mobility spaces and disabled parking spaces), bike parking, an amenity walkway and associated parking, site levelling for a laydown area and a 220kV substation, 2.4m high perimeter security fencing, landscaping including supplement.

Apple Operations Europe
David O’Connell
Hollyhill Industrial Estate
Tadhg Barry Road
Co. Cork
021 4284000 | oconnell.d@apple.com

Corgan Associates
Lindsay Wilson
401 North Houston Street
TX 75202
001 2147482000 | lindsay.wilson@corgan.com | www.corgan.com

Corgan Associates
Lindsay Wilson
401 North Houston Street
TX 75202
001 2147482000 | lindsay.wilson@corgan.com | www.corgan.com

Consulting Engineer
ARUP Consulting Engineers
James Duggan
15 Oliver Plunkett Street
Co. Cork
021 4277670 | cork@arup.com | www.arup.com

Landscape Architect
Brady Shipman Martin (Dublin)
Dundrum Business Park
Dublin 14
01 2081911 | mail@bmsconsult.com | www.bradyshipmanmartin.com

McCarthy Keville O’Sullivan Ltd.
Block 1 G.F.S.C.
Moneenageisha Road
Co. Galway
091 735611 | mail@mccarthykos.ie | www.mccarthykos.ie

€30m Apple Data Centre Construction Development in Co. Galway

By | Industry News


Co. Galway

Value: €30 Million

Floor Area: 30,138 Sq m

Planning Granted: 9th Sept 2015

Data Centre Construction as part of an overall €850 Million investment

10 day free trial

To construct the following: a 24,505sqm single storey data centre building, a 5232sqm single storey Logistics and Administration Building, a 289sqm single storey Maintenance Building, a 16sqm Security Hut and associated barriers, 2 number 48sqm Firbre Huts (max building eaves height = 10m), 18 external standby generators, all associated external plant, a 20kV Electricity Substation, contractor facilities, a main entrance including a new right turning land, internal access roads and associated infrastructure, proprietary waste water treatment plants including percolation areas, mains water connection, fire water storage tanks; rainwater harvesting, provision of fibre optic data connections, car parking (207 spaces, including 7 visitor spaces, 50 internal staff mobility spaces and disabled parking spaces), bike parking, an amenity walkway and associated parking, site leveling for a laydown area and a 220kV substation, 2.4m high perimeter security fencing, landscaping including supplement.

Apple Data Centre Construction

Apple Operations Europe
Hollyhill Industrial Estate
Tadhg Barry Road
Hollyhill, Cork
021 428 4000 | oconnell.d@apple.com

Corgan Associates
401 North Houston Street
Dallas, TX 75202
001 2147482000 | lindsay.wilson@corgan.com | www.corgan.com

Consultant Engineer
ARUP Consulting Engineers
15 Oliver Plunkett Street
Co. Cork
021 4277670 | cork@arup.com | www.arup.com

Apple Data Centre Construction