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Top Hotel Construction Projects Commenced in 2018

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Hotel Construction projects

Our database contains details on literally hundreds of new Hotel Construction projects.  Our research team track these projects from pre-planning phase right through to site commencement.  We provide our subscribers with key data on the size and scale of each development, including contact details for design teams, engineers and contractors as well as an estimated construction value.  Many of Ireland’s leading suppliers to the Hotel and Hospitality sector rely on BuildingInfo.com to keep their sales and supply pipelines topped up. 

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Below: Top 10 Hotel Construction projects commenced during 2018

ID Description Floor (Sq M) Start Date
75467 €61m Hotel Development in Moss St. Dublin 6 21526 Sq M 28/12/18
102166 €46m Hotel Development in Clonshaugh Rd. Dublin 4 16059 Sq M 10/08/18
91841 €35m Hotel Development in North Wall Dublin 3 12302 Sq M 25/06/18
41937 €33m Hotel Extension in Naas Co. Kildare 11520 Sq M 18/06/18
90183 €33m Hotel Development in Middle Abbey St. Dublin 3 11780 Sq M 13/12/18
62570 €30m Hotel Development in Thomas St. Dublin 8 10610 Sq M 25/12/18
73707 €25m Hotel Construction in Chancery St. Dublin 7 8857 Sq M 09/08/18
85606 €22m Hotel Development in Ormond Quay Dublin 2 7781 Sq M 18/07/18
44030 €18.2m Hotel Development in Shaw St. Dublin 2 6405.7 Sq M 05/10/18
66843 €18m Hotel Development in Bohermore Galway 6310 Sq M 13/12/18

Hotel Construction Projects

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The image below details 186 Hotel and Guesthouse Construction projects submitted for planning during 2018 year-to-date. The largest of these schemes, by build value estimate, is the 177 room Killeen Castle Development in Co. Meath which was submitted for planning in May and was subsequently granted planning permission at the end of June.

Hotel Construction Projects

Building Information Ireland research and publish key information on all Hotel construction projects throughout Ireland.  Our clients use this valuable sales generating data to strategically direct their sales and marketing teams and to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in this sector.  We offer a free trial and demonstration of this online business tool.

€13 Million Ripley Court Hotel Extension

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Hotel Construction Project Recently submitted for planning

The Ripley Court Hotel
37 Talbot Street (Backing Onto Foley Street)
Dublin 1

Hotel Construction Project

Build Value Estimate: €13 Million
Floor Area: 4,616 Sq M
Storeys: 7
Stage: Plans Applied
Location: Map Link 

Description: The Hotel Construction development will consist of: Demolition of existing 3 storey building over basement to be replaced with new 7 storey over basement incorporated into main structure of hotel, to include a new fire escape stairs exiting onto Talbot Street. The basement element includes 115m2 of commercial floor area with 121m2 new deli-restaurant and shop front on ground floor level accessed from Talbot Street. An additional 155m2 of guest accommodation on existing 1st & 2nd floors. An additional 456m2 of guest accommodation on existing 3rd floor. New 4th & 5th floors with total 2612m2 of guest accommodation. New 6th floor with 1157m2 of guest accommodation together with new 149m2 of roof terrace and room balconies.

New stone cladding to replace existing timber at ground floor facade onto Talbot Street, to also include new glazed main entrance and vehicular gates at existing ramp to basement. New stone cladding to replace brickwork at ground floor facade onto Foley Street to include new windows and pedestrian access points. Minor internal alterations to provide new coffee shop at ground floor in place of existing conference rooms, accessible from Foley Street. New stone cladding and curtain wall glazing from third to sixth floor on both Talbot and Foley Street elevations.

Austin Kelly
The Ripley Court Hotel
37 Talbot Street
Dublin 1
Co. Dublin

Doherty Finegan Kelly – Dublin
Cathal Kelly
30 – 32 Botanic Court
Dublin 9
01 830 1852 | info@dfk.ie | www.dfk.ie

Doherty Finegan Kelly – Dublin
Marc O’Dowd
30 – 32 Botanic Court
Dublin 9
01 830 1852 | info@dfk.ie | www.dfk.ie 

Locations of 39 Planned Hotel Construction Projects

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Activity in the Hotel Construction Sector

Since January 2015 the research team at Building Information Ireland have identified almost 40 new Hotel & Guest-house Construction projects submitted for planning permission. The image below provides a geographic location for each.  Details on each of these projects including full project description, size and floor area, build cost estimate, key dates and design team contact details are available to subscribers.  Why not try for free here?

Hotel Construction Projects

At BuildingInfo we research and publish data on all Hotel Construction projects as well as projects in every other construction sector.  Our data is published in real-time via our online project database.

€28m Adare Manor Hotel Refurbishment Project in Co. Limerick

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Planning Permission Granted for Refurbishment of one of Ireland’s most Prestigious Hotels

Adare Manor Hotel Refurbishment

Hotel Refurbishment Value Estimate: €28 Million

Floor Area: 10,500 Sq M

Granted Permission: 19th Jan 2015

10 day free trial

Hotel Refurbishment: Internal walls/infill of opes; revisions to internal layout of lower ground floor level of hotel comprising re-arrangement and upgrade of hotel uses including demolition of spa, replacement with a new spa facility on same footprint with new external elevation/roof; A new single storey double height ballroom/conference space at lower ground floor level; provision of new hotel bedroom wing to the west arranged over 5 levels, revisions to service yard, linked to existing manor by external covered walkway; provision of additional hotel bedrooms in existing roof space & related elevational amendments, development results in 7,664sqm of new hotel floor area(increase of 31 No bedrooms), part-demolition/refurbishment of golf clubhouse, revised internal layout, new glazed façade/elevational amendments (increase in floor area of 247sqm), provision of golf club related uses in lieu of existing bedroom accommodation in carriage house; removal of existing staircase from central carriage arch to adjoining carriagehouse(Clubhouse) & new door opes, replacement of glazed corridor with new open cloister; revisions to existing car parking, re-configured/new surface carparking areas north of golf clubhouse & proposed ballroom/conference space resulting in carparking provision of 340 spaces. A new single storey energy centre(244sqm) to serve hotel complex/golf clubhouse, removal/replacement of existing halfway house with new pavilion between 9th/10th holes on golf course(52sqm); A new facilities complex comprising maintenance/laundry, staff, parking/storage(2,588sqm) ranging from 1-2 storeys located south of the Estate; provision of new vehicular access off N21 at western boundary & new security building/gates and new internal two-way road(6m wide) running for 572 metres from new access point connecting to existing estate road. Revisions to main entrance to Adare Manor, removal of existing security building/gates, construction of new single storey security building(28sqm), gates/revised boundary treatments. Hard/soft landscaping/boundary treatments; attenuation works; foul pumping station; plant; revisions to internal roads; staff/overflow car parking; changes in level; piped infrastructure/ducting; services; bicycle parking; signage & waste management; external lighting/site development/excavation works (Environmental Impact Statement submitted with planning application)

Tizzard Holdings Ltd.
Colm Hannon
Arthur Cox
Arthur Cox Building
Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2

ReardonSmith Architects
Sundras Naidoo
The Leathermarket
Weston St
+44 20 73786006 | info@reardonsmith.com | www.reardonsmith.com

Landscape Architect
ReardonSmith Architects
Ed Freeman
The Leathermarket
Weston St
+44 20 73786006 | info@reardonsmith.com | www.reardonsmith.com

Healy & Partners
Mike Murphy
The Mill
Glentworth Street
Co. Limerick
061 410966 | mail@healypartners.com | www.healypartners.com

Consarc Design Group LTD
Dawson Stelfox
The Gas Office
4 Cromac Quay
028 90828400 | mail@consarc-design.co.uk | www.consarc-design.co.uk

Tom Philips & Associates
John Gannon
2-3 Roger’s Lane
Lower Baggot Street
Dublin 2
01 4786055 | info@tpa.ie | www.tpa.ie

Consulting Engineer
Punch Consulting Engineers
Sundras Naidoo
Carnegie House
Library Road
Dun Laoghaire
01 2712200 | dublin@punchconsulting.com | www.punchconsulting.com

Creagh House Environmental Ltd
Creagh House
022 24433 | chenv@eircom.net

€5.9m La Touche Hotel Redevelopment in Co. Wicklow

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Former La Touche Hotel
Trafalgar Road/Marine Terrace and Cliff Road
Co. Wicklow

Floor area: 4596 Sq M

Value: €5.9 Million

Planning Granted: 15/09/15

10 day free trial

Hotel Redevelopment: 26 dwellings in total comprising 1 no 3.bed 3 storey terraced (type A), 13 no 4 bed 4 sorey terraced (Type B), 3 no 4 bed 4 storey terraced(type C), 1 no 3 bed 3 storey detached (Type D), 2 no 4 bed 3 storey semi-detached (type E), and 1 no 4 bed 3 storey detached (type E) and 5 no 4 bed 4 storey town houses (type F & G) within retained shell of former main La Touche Hotel building; retention of and alterations to centre block of hotel and demolition of recent side and rear extensions; partial (rear) demolition of existing buildings at An Tigin and Eurekaon Marine Terrace & refurbishment & merging of both units to create single unit, extension of 50sqm to merged unit and change of use of merged unit from residential to retail (total floor space of proposed retail unit of 105sqm) ; refurbishment including partial demolition to the rear of former bank building along Trafalgar Road and change of use to professional services (37 sqm) demolition of Cliff Bungalow.

La Touche Hotel Redevelopment

Kavcre La Touche Ltd.
4 Inver Mews
Old Chapel Ground
Arklow, Co. Wicklow

Ferreira Architecture
1 Blackglen Village Centre
Ticknock Hill
Sandyford, Dublin 18
01 2063523 | admin@ferreira.ie | www.ferreira.ie

Cunnane Stratton Reynolds
3 Molesworth Place
Dublin 2
01 6610419 | info@csrlandplan.ie | www.csrlandplan.ie

La Touche Hotel redevelopment