
private tenders Ireland | Building Information Ireland

€6.7m UCC Student Hub Development

By | Industry News

Tender notice for Building Contractors – deadline 6th September 2016

University College Campus
College Road & Gaol Cross
Cork City

Student Development Cork

10 day free trial

Build Value Estimate: €6.7 Million
Floor Area: 2,747 Sq M
Granted Date: 20 May 2016
Tender Deadline Date: 6 September 2016
Location: Map Link 

Planning Description: For construction of a six storey Student Development Cork within the university campus adjoining College Road and Gaol Walk, Cork. The building will be used to provide student and administrative services and flexible learning spaces. The proposed development involves the carrying out of works within the curtilage of two protected structures: Crawford Observatory and Gates onto Western Road (PS538) and University College Cork Main Quad (PS963).

Tender – Works Contractor: The Proposed new UCC Student Hub will integrate the Student Support model providing  (a)Student Learning- Flexible learning spaces, formal small group shared learning spaces and informal social learning spaces in a technology rich environment (b)Student Development & Employability – An integrated student services model in one central location fostering new relationships and creating new synergies in support of students’ personal development, employability skills development and academic success (c)Student Administration Services -A one-stop-shop to facilitate more student friendly, accessible and efficient student administrative services

Uniquely the Hub will accommodate in one center these three major aspects of the student experience demonstrating their interdependence in providing a holistic education to students. The development will consist of the construction of a six storey Student Hub Building within the university campus adjoining College Road and Gaol Walk, Cork. The building will be used to provide student and administrative services and flexible learning spaces. The gross floor space will be 3991m2.

The proposed works will involve demolitions, alterations and extensions to the existing Windle Building, the removal of some existing car parking spaces and the provision of new hard and soft landscaping and lighting. The proposed works will also include permanent alterations to the existing main entrance route to the campus from College Road, construction of a new storage shed and temporary dismantling and reinstatement of the Old Gaol Entrance to facilitate access during construction. The proposed development involves the carrying out of works within the curtilage of two protected structures: Crawford  Observatory and Gates onto Western Road (PS 538) and University College Cork Main Quad (PS 963)

University College Cork
6 Elderwood
College Road
Co. Cork
021 4903635 | procurement@fin.ucc.ie | www.ucc.ie

RPS Group (Dublin)
West Pier Business Campus
Dun Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
01 4882900 | www.rpsgroup.com

Fionnuala Rogerson Architects
Ardtona House
Lower Churchtown Road
Dublin 14
01 2984261 | info@rogerson.ie

McCutcheon Halley Walsh – Cork
Brian McCutcheon
6 Joyce House
Barrack Square
Co. Cork
021 4208710 | bmccutcheon@mhwplanning.ie | www.mhwplanning.ie

O’Donnell & Tuomey Architects – Cork
Willie Carey
35 Grand Parade
Co. Cork
021 4271600 | willie.carey@odonnell-tuomey.ie | odonnell-tuomey.ie

Consulting Engineer
Maurice Johnston & Partners – Cork
Co. Cork
021 2427107 | info@mjp.ie | www.mjp.ie

Consulting Engineer
Horgan Lynch & Partners
Pat Brady
Blackrock Road
Co. Cork
021 4936100 | cork@horganlynch.ie | www.horganlynch.ie

AEGIS Archaeology Ltd.
F Coyne
32 Nicholas Street
King’s Ireland
Co. Limerick
061 634375

JCA Architects
Jack Coughlan
St. Albert’s House
021 4393800 | www.jca.ie

Brady Shipman Martin (Cork)
John Morgan
Penrose Wharf Business Centre
Penrose Wharf
021 2425620 | mail@bradyshipmanmartin.com | www.bradyshipmanmartin.com

Kelleher Ecology Services
Daphne Roycroft
Co. Cork
086 8677932 | kelleherecologyservices@gmail.com

Construction Tender – €6.3m Saint Patrick’s Special School in Co. Wexford

By | Industry News

Upper Drumgold
Co. Wexford

Value: €6.3m

Floor area: 5926 Sq M

Tender Deadline: 15th September 2015

Construction Tender: a new school building for Saint Patrick’s Special School, Enniscorthy. The development will consist of a new part three-storey building of 5926m2, containing 20 Classrooms, Junior and Senior Dining Areas, General Purposes Hall, Library, Specialist Teaching Rooms for Art, Music, Daily Living Skills, Computers, Home Economics, Woodwork and Horticulture, Multi-Sensory rooms, Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy areas, Therapy and Treatment rooms, Nurses’s area, kitchen, ancillary storage and services. Access via existing entrance and exit onto Upper Drumgold, no works proposed to Protected Stone Boundary Wall. Site works to include internal school access road, bus pick up/set down area with covered canopy, 92 car parking spaces for staff and visitors, ball- court, external classrooms, external dining area, school gardens, play areas, landscaping and site services, all at Upper Drumgold, Enniscorthy, County Wexford.

Department of Education & Skills
Portlaoise Road
Tullamore, Co. Offaly
057 9324300 | www.education.ie

Department of Education & Skills
Portlaoise Road
Tullamore, Co. Offaly
057 9324300 | www.education.ie

Stephen Diamond Associates
68 Pearse Street
Dublin 2
01 6775670 | mail@sdacla.ie | www.sdacla.ie